What Happens When Basic Civility is Eroded?

A man cut me off on the road today. Two lanes were merging into one, and he gunned it to be the second car to go ahead. I slammed on my brakes to avoid being hit and laid on the horn.

What an asshole, right?

Well, he angrily flipped me off, and I’m thinking “Dude, YOU just cut ME off!” so I flipped the bird right back at him. Standard procedure, in my experience, in California.

I had to follow him for about another mile. I was headed to my daughter’s high school. He was caught behind a car in front of him, so I was right behind him, and I’ll admit, my blood was boiling a bit. What a criminal jerk.

I could see it was an older man–a white guy with white hair. He was driving a small white pickup truck. Nondescript.

But everything–really everything– changed when we reached the school and I pulled over to pull into the drive. He was stopped at the light and as I glanced over at him, he cocked his finger in my direction, like he was holding a gun. A GUN. And mock “shot” it at me.

Are you fucking kidding me?

This older white guy–maybe 60 years old. He’s been driving for what, 45 years, give or take? Maybe he’s been a asshole all his life. Who knows.


This is the perfect example, in my mind, of the complete erosion of decency and civility we have experienced in the Trump era. I watched Trump bait his crowds, whip them up. And I continue to watch him do it in horror. I’m all for tax cuts and fiscal responsibility, but I don’t think anyone wants what Trump has brought to this country: an erosion of our moral fiber. An erosion of our identity.

Is flipping someone off the best thing to do? Probably not. But at least it’s just a statement–it’s not a THREAT. Miming shooting something is an entirely different thing.

This is why a lawyer in Manhattan feels he can yell at women speaking Spanish in a store. (Miss that one, check this guy out.)

This is why a woman (ironically with a thick Spanish accent) yells at a Chinese woman on the freeway.

An old woman feels she can berate a woman at IHOP for speaking Spanish.



I’m tired of this. I’m a little scared. I wonder how far this will go, this trend of people thinking they can just be flat-out rude and even threatening to random people on the street.

Let me share a little secret: YOU ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS. At some point, your ancestors came here from somewhere else. You don’t get to just decide that you are somehow a “native” and more recent arrivals aren’t.

But back to the old, angry white guy. You made me feel a little less safe today, dude. A little more vulnerable to any crazy whack-o with a temper and a gun. You’ve lived 60-odd years, and this is the best you have to give?

I don’t know if anything can be done, but I pray that we all find our civility again. Our decency. I hope we learn to become slower to anger. And I hope, fervently, that our next president is a mild-mannered diplomat who can help put us back together.

The Art of Rejection

I have gotten the BEST rejections lately!

Nope. Not being facetious.

My latest manuscript Behind Cellar Doors was a finalist in Pitch Wars 2017 – and it was such a great experience and opportunity. I worked with writer Laura Brown to hone in on the story, making it so much better.

But I soon discovered: It just wasn’t (quite) there.

I started getting rejections. And they were REALLY GREAT rejections. The feedback I was getting from agents was amazing—I was so grateful they took the time to send really insightful information. So, though I was disappointed that I didn’t get a wow-I-can’t-wait-to-sign-you message, their feedback pinpointed exactly what was missing in the MS.

So, I could, like, FIX IT! 

Here are some of my favorite lines that helped push me to the next revision:

“I love this premise, and you really made your setting come alive for the reader. I almost felt like I was working in a vineyard myself. I thought Taylor was well-drawn as your MC, and I really got a sense of her motivation and personality. I also felt like the novel had a strong and original voice which felt consistent throughout. For me, I just didn’t feel enough tension throughout the novel, especially to build up to what is a pretty dark twist at the end.”

“…I see this as a strength to your writing and to her character. Very well done! Unfortunately, I was very much on the fence with this project. A part of me wasn’t as enamored with the romance as I’d hoped, but most of all I believe it was the pacing that kept me at a distance and prevented me from jumping up and down. You’re a great writer with an excellent story here, so I have no doubt you’ll find the perfect agent match soon to champion the project.”

“You’ve got a great voice here, and I really liked the concept, but in the end, I just didn’t fall enough in love to be able to offer representation. But of course, these things are a matter of personal taste, and another agent might feel differently. “

The best news is: one of my Pitch Wars responses was a Revise & Resubmit. And that agent sent fantastic feedback, too, which I was able to combine with the feedback above to get through a kick-ass revision of the story. (Thank you again to the amazing, talented and funny-as-hell Katie Golding, for your A-MAZ-ING edit notes.) The R&R is off in the mail, and I also got to send the new-and-improved version to two other agents who asked for fulls while I was revising.

It’s all a circle, right? Rejection feeds the process.

I’m so thankful for the insight these agents sent. It’s like they took a spotlight and focused it exactly on the parts I needed to improve.

For those of you out there dealing with rejections, make them a part of your process. When a professional takes the time to send valuable insight, think of it as a gift.

After the Sonoma-Napa Fires | The New Normal

Last Saturday night, my husband and I went to my sister’s house for dinner. Our youngest was at the homecoming at her high school.  By 2am Monday morning … both places were gone–burned to the ground, along with a huge swath of my hometown.

It’s hard to wrap our heads around the last week here in Santa Rosa. I mean, I’m in the middle of Pitch Wars 2017. The most stressful thing on my plate is supposed to be getting through a full revision, right?

But my reality has changed. Dozens of families we know have lost their homes. 136 families just at our small school. 3,500 houses burned. 6,700 structures. 50,000 evacuated. 95,000 acres burned. 41 dead (though the fact that this number is not far bigger is a miracle).

Here’s how the events unfolded for us.

Saturday, October 7

6am I send my husband and daughter off to her volleyball tournament. I hate to miss watching her play, but I’m in the throes of Pitch Wars 2017 and I have to get some serious revisions done.

8pm After dropping our daughter off at Homecoming, I sit  at my sister Kim’s cool square dining table–the one her sister-in-law gave her–catching up with my nephew, home from college. Their rambling ranch-style house is quirky and imperfect. The view west towards the ocean is all oak trees and vineyards and rolling hills. I grab a wine glass from their 50+ year old cabinets, rinsing it before I pour in my favorite Hanna Sauvignon Blanc (wine snob that I am).  We eat my sister’s famous lasagna and send this dorky snap to my daughter at UC Davis to tell her we miss her.

10:30pm My husband and I wait outside Cardinal Newman High School, watching the students–all dressed up for the Homecoming Dance–leave the gym. We giggle some of the girls walking out–all knees and ankles like teenage giraffes in too-high shoes. Our daughter finally shows up at the car, smiling and sweaty and talking a mile a minute in her cool way-too-expensive Free People dress.

Sunday, October 8

A boring Sunday, like any other. I’m at my computer, banging away at the keys. I blow off going to the grocery store in favor of getting through a few more chapters. (This I will regret later.) We have takeout–again. (Getting to be a regular Pitch Wars problem.) Lauren complains about her homework.

8pm My eyes bleary from edits, I finally crash out on the couch for our nightly family binge of Grey’s Anatomy (we’re in Season 5). We miss having our older daughter lounging there with us–she’s in her third week of college. We get through a few episodes–noticing that the wind has really picked up outside. Weird.

10pm By the time we go to bed, the wind is howling like I’ve never heard it in Santa Rosa before. I hear it was gusting up to 80 MPH that night. We hunker down in bed–always wary of the oak tree that hangs over our house. Darryl falls right off to sleep, but I stay awake reading, every once in awhile glancing up to laugh at the bullet-like hailstorm of acorns that bombard our roof.

Monday, October 9

12:00am I’m still awake reading when Lauren comes into our dark room. She’s just seen a post that her friend has been evacuated from her house on Riebli Road & Mark West Springs because of a fire.

Wait a minute.

That’s not that far from here. And even closer to my sister and parents. And right next to my friend Dani’s house. Her husband is out of town.

I get out my phone. Call my mom. She’s up watching news. Tells me to call Kim. I consider calling Dani. Am I overreacting? I don’t want to wake everyone up.

The wind outside howls some more. I smell smoke. Screw it. I’m calling.

12:18am  Call my sister. No answer.  Text my sister:

She’s up watching the news. Does not realize fire is so close.

Darryl falls back asleep. Thinking I’m overreacting (which, to be fair, I often do). I go out to turn on the TV. A fire started in Calistoga and is headed our way. I look outside, where the trees are whipping back and forth in the wind.

12:40am  I decide it’s better to wake Dani up. Call Dani cell. No answer. Call Dani home. Text Dani:

No answer. Very worried now.

We get an evacuation call on our landline for the hill behind our house. We didn’t even know an “evacuation call” was a thing. The city considers our house part of the hill behind us. I guess they’re right. If it goes, we go.

Back on the phone with my sister–they are now up. They can see smoke and a red glow. Panic ensues. They run around throwing random valuables in bags. They got away with computers. Her makeup. Some jewelry. The photo albums. The dog. They couldn’t corral the cat. They head in one car up their driveway, leaving two behind. At the top of the drive an ominous red glow is cresting their hill and car after car is heading down and out.

Instead of following the line of cars to safety, they take a right turn to head for my folks’ house. My parents are 76 and 78–young and healthy for their age. But still. She helps them gather up a few things. What do you take? No one cares about the china or silver in cases like this. Empty the safe.

1am With a few possessions thrown in the car, my parents and my sister and her husband and son are on the road, trying to get to my house. They have me on speakerphone. A cry wrenches through the phone. My connection cuts off. My panic reaches epic proportions. They call back. On the hill to the east, my sister’s house is on fire. The whole hill is on fire. They change course and head north.

1:42am I finally hear from Dani. They have fled their house, driving through flames licking up either side of their driveway. They cannot find their beloved cat.

It’s hitting home that this fire is on the hill that connects Dani’s house to ours, and it’s moving fast. I start packing up our valuables. Then I start to learn the meaning of the word “valuable”. Turns out, it has almost no relation to how much something cost. I am one of the few who has time to really pack–and I walk right by things I thought were valuable and my only thought is “I can replace that.”

I pack the car with my computer, photo albums, birth certificates, a odd assortment of clothes, some blankets. Then more clothes (wondering if I’m going to have to clothe my sister and mother). I stare lovingly at my baby grand piano, then pack my flute and guitar. We crate the cat (thank God she’s inside). I send a copy of my latest manuscript to my CP Deborah. Just in case.

We are ready. We are not ready.

3:00am Everyone’s up. The smoke is thick, the wind still whipping around. My entire neighborhood is standing out on the street, looking up at the hill behind us. The smoke roils up in a giant, ominous cloud. Reflected in it is an eerie orange-pink glow. We don’t know how far away it is. (This isn’t my photo–but this is what it looked like)

3:30am The smoke is getting thick and I evacuate with my daughter down to my husband’s office in downtown Santa Rosa. He stays to protect the house. (It’s funny, I heard this scenario again and again. The women’s instinct was to evacuate the kids; the men protected the houses.) My parents and sister can’t reach us–the wind has blown the fire across the freeway and it’s burning on both sides now. My in-laws show up. Darryl finally comes down. We have an odd assortment of dogs and kids and food and blankets. No one knows what to say. Our town is burning. I wonder if my house is burning. We have no TV and don’t know where to look for updates.

The kids sleep. The adults stay up.

5:30am The dawn starts to break and we pray for the sound of fire bombers. The sound doesn’t come. The smoke is thick and acrid. The wind has finally died down.

We head back to our house. Our neighborhood still stands, the hill behind us intact. Once again we stand on the sidewalk with our neighbors, staring at the smoke in the distance. Have you heard anything? Is everyone OK? We all know families whose homes are already gone.

We evacuate once more that afternoon, back to downtown Santa Rosa. But our house survives the week. The fires continued to burn. The wind whips up again. My parents sleep in my oldest daughters’ room, wondering if their house still stands.

We learn what Nixle updates are. We follow every social media account of city and county services. We obsessively watch the red dots on the fire map. We start every conversation with “are you still OK?” and end every conversation with “stay safe.” We sleep with half an ear open, clothes set at the ready. We leave all the valuables packed in the car. We shake our heads at reports of looting. How could they?

Eventually, we learned that the fire came within 1.2 miles of us that night (see the blue line). If it had jumped that last road, it’s unlikely the houses on our hill would have survived. Though my parents’ house is just .8 miles from my sister’s, it survived. The wind decided that night who burned and who didn’t.

Walking through our old house, I suddenly love every quirky, imperfect thing about it. The cabinet that shuts crooked makes me smile. The sticky slider is a blessing. We’re lucky to have laundry piles.

Here are just a few of the images that will be etched in my mind forever:

Cardinal Newman High School–where both my husband and I attended. One daughter graduated last year; one is a sophomore there now. Half the school burned. 25% of our students lost their homes in the fire–136 families.

photo credits: The Press Democrat

Our favorite restaurant –where we took our daughter for a special dinner before she left for college. The owners live down the street from us. Their home survived.

photo credits: The Press Democrat

What’s left of my sister’s amazing view of the Santa Rosa plain:

Our friends’ neighborhoods:

Coffee Park


Where my husband asked me to marry him:

(AP Photo/Ben Margot)

Though that first night was battled with limited resources, a huge thank you to the hundreds of first responders who came from all over California and neighboring states to help us.

It’s been eight days since all hell broke loose in my hometown. How will I ever finish revisions on my contemporary romance? It’s set in Sonoma County wine country, which has just burned around me. It’s surreal to go back to something light and uncomplicated, but I’m so grateful to be sitting in my home at my computer, ready to slip back into the story.

Thank you to my awesome Pitch Wars mentor Laura Brown, my co-peep Kerri Keberly and my CP Deborah Mouralis for helping me get through it.

*Some photos above were found online with no credit. If you would it removed, or would like a photo credit added to the photo, please comment below or contact me here.

#PitchWars 2017: Pimp My Bio

Hi PitchWars Peeps!
I’m late to the party but I’ve been busy … ummmm … writing! Sit down and enjoy a nice glass of Pinot Noir while we “chat.”

wine gif

This year, I had a NEARLY FINISHED manuscript as PitchWars approached, so I kicked some major writing butt to get the story complete so I could submit it. This second manuscript was a completely different experience than the first, I’ve officially become a “plotter.”

I decided the time was ripe (well—actually, a bit overdue) to go ahead and #PimpMyBio for the Pitch Wars mentee blog tour.

The Basics
I’m Keli Vice. I live in middle of Sonoma County wine country in Northern California. By day, I consult for amazing wineries who make some of the most incredible wine on the planet (for real—this is not an exaggeration). This is Cab country (Alexander Valley), Zin country (Dry Creek Valley … and NOT the pink kind), Pinot country (Russian River Valley). Yes, they also make a crap-ton of Chard, but I’m a card-carrying member of the ABC Club (Anything But Chardonnay).

Books are the foundation of my life. I have been kicking people out of my room because I’M READING since I was seven. (Seriously. Ask my sister.) I regularly stay up hours after my husband, bleary eyed and yawning, just because I have to know what happens next. Thank God for my back-lit iPad and a consulting schedule that allows me to sleep ’til 7:45am and still start working at 8:00am.

reading gif

I have a strange habit of re-reading novels. Like multiple times. (Most people think this is insane.) I will not even admit how many times I’ve read the Outlander series. I always find some new turn of phrase or different take on a scene—Diana Gabaldon is my hero.

My Writing
Like many of us working on getting our first novel published, that pesky day job and mortgage have kept writing on the side for many years. I have seven book ideas in various stages of development—two complete and edited.

I’ve written a YA/Paranormal Romance titled Shift, and a NA/Adult Contemporary Romance called Behind Cellar Doors. I’m submitting the latter for this year’s PitchWars contest.

I love writing dialogue. When I started writing, I was a complete panster, writing scenes all over the book, then trying to connect all the dots. With the second manuscript I did the complete opposite: the entire summary and “Save the Cat”-style plot arc was written before a word went on the page. I have days where I can’t write a word. I have days where I fall into writing only to emerge out of the rabbit hole hours later wondering what happened to the day.

My #PitchWars Novel
I’m entering a completed NA/Adult Contemporary Romance titled Behind Cellar Doors (75,000 words).


Instead of embarking on a carefree post-graduation trip to Europe, 22-year-old TAYLOR LANSING is rushing home after her father’s heart attack to run the family winery. It’s trial by fire as she works to keep the financially unstable winery afloat, and navigate a budding romance with the gorgeous billionaire financier-cum-winery-owner ALEC ESTRELLA. A series of mishaps raises suspicion that someone is trying to force a sale of the winery. Could it be her new boyfriend?

Short Synopsis: 

22-year-old Taylor Lansing is trying to finish her last final at UC Davis, but someone’s blowing up her phone. The frantic calls from Martin Sandcastle, the winemaker at her family’s winery, send her racing home to Sonoma County: her father has had a heart attack.

Now Taylor must cancel her carefree summer trip through Europe to help run the winery while her father recovers. With the ink barely dry on her winemaking degree, Taylor jumps in with both feet, soon discovering that the winery is in serious financial trouble. She refuses to consider the option to sell out to a big corporation, instead putting up her personal trust fund and banking on the upcoming harvest.

When the high-tech sensors fail in an important vineyard block, Taylor is caught in a downpour and thumbs a ride back to the winery. An ancient work truck stops and she’s stunned when a gorgeous guy in work clothes rolls down the window to offer her a ride. She sees him again a few weeks later at the annual wine auction – this time in a tailored tuxedo. He’s 29-year-old Alec Estrella, the billionaire owner of a venture capital firm, with a budding interest in the wine industry … and in Taylor Lansing.

Their romance begins with a candlelit cellar dinner for two and she’s soon captivated by Alec’s dark good looks and intimate smile. By the night of her birthday, she’s overcome her insecurities and slips into his room for a night of sweet, hot lovemaking.  Alec Estrella might be out of her league, but she’s falling for him. Hard.

But as her private life heats up, Taylor continues to be plagued by troubles at work, clashing with Martin on winemaking and dealing with a series of mishaps, from the frost fans failing to the spring bottling being threatened. Eventually Taylor begins to suspect someone is trying to sabotage her family winery, forcing a sale. Alec’s already bought up all the vineyards surrounding her estate. Could her new boyfriend have his eye on acquiring more than just Taylor’s heart?

I have not yet sent this MS out for Query.


Why I Want to Work with You
Behind Cellar Doors is a promising story—with lots of romantic sex appeal and smart, interesting characters. BUT … with the expertise and advice of one of you fabulous PitchWars Mentors, I want to transform it from a promising story to a solid story to a great book.

Why You (Hopefully) Want to Work with Me
I will work hard. Really hard. I’ve spent years in corporate marketing, so I know how to take feedback on a project, incorporate it and turn in into something better. I want your constructive criticism to make this story stronger, better and more believable. I’m ready to tackle the rough parts and reshape the characters into bigger, brighter more interesting people.

And … did I mention I will work hard?

Random Facts

  • Hogwarts House:  Ravenclaw (I wanted to be a Gryffindor, but the sorting hat insisted)
  • Faction: Erudite (the nice ones)
  • Favorite Fiction:
    Too many to list. A handful: Outlander (all of ’em), The Help, Eat Pray Love, The Pelican Brief, The Da Vinci Code, The Prince of Tides, The Art of Racing in the Rain, The Secret Life of Bees.
  • Favorite YA Novels:
    Harry Potter (esp. The Goblet of Fire), The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Raven Boys, Percy Jackson, The Selection, Forget Tomorrow. 
  • Favorite Princess: Belle (‘Cause she’s a geek who reads and saves her father, herself AND the beast — ‘nough said.)
  • Favorite Villain: Loki and anything played by the late, great Alan Rickman
  • Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate on Chocolate
  • Favorite Movies: Love Actually, Pride and Prejudice, Chocolat, Shakespeare in Love, Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather (I and II), Shrek
  • Favorite Baseball Team: SF Giants
  • Favorite Yoga Move: Dancer
  • Favorite Beach Activity: Snorkeling


My Street Cred
I have an BA in English from UCLA and wrote for a magazine in LA for the first few years after school. Then I got into PR and worked for a tiny audiophile record company that made specialized reissues for hi-fi stereos on gold CDs (great product, bat-shit-crazy owner). After that, I ran the publicity department at our performing arts center and got to rub shoulders with folks like Bonnie Raitt, Wynton Marsalis and Carole Burnett. From there I entered the wine industry and moved through PR and Marketing into consulting. Today, I develop and manage websites, email marketing programs and social media outreach for winery DTC departments (that’s Direct to Consumer for those of you outside the industry).

At Home
I have two awesome teenaged daughters (one off to UC Davis in September), a marathon-running husband, a teeny 5-pound rescue cat who’s a badass birder and the sweetest Lab on the planet. Seriously, the sweetest.

If you got this far down the page—THANKS! I appreciate you reading my pimped up bio! Good luck to all this year’s PitchWars Mentee hopefuls—and THANK YOU to all the PitchWars Mentors. See you  in the Pitch Wars thread on Twitter.

A Dog Called Ego

I was going to write a post about how difficult it is to both accept criticism and then use it to improve your WIP … but my amazing CP Deborah Maroulis captured it so perfectly I will share her words instead!

Deborah Maroulis

I remember the moment I found out I wasn’t a good writer.


Like most introverted masochists, I’d always wanted to be able to say I’d written a novel. It couldn’t be that hard, right? People have been doing it for a few centuries now. Lots of people. Like childbirth. So one Halloween, I’d eaten the last of the good candy, turned out the porch light and signed up for NaNoWriMo. If you’re not sure what that is, click here.

Two months later, I’d written most of a novel. For the record, I did make the 50,000 word goal to “win,” but as I wrote, I figured out my book was going to need to be a tad longer. I tinkered with it for another six months or so and came across a tiny little contest called PitchWars. You may have heard of it.

As the contest burst into…

View original post 878 more words

Arrgghhh … Writer’s Block

I’M STUCK. I’ve had my cursor at the end of Chapter 17 for four weeks. FOUR FREAKING WEEKS! I’m not sure why I can’t get my characters to move on to the next scene.

Maybe it’s because my main characters are about to have sex and my daughters are reading this story as it develops. Maybe. (I can hear my CP Deborah shouting through etherspace: GET TO THE SEX, ALREADY.)

Writer’s block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years.

In an effort to MOVE ON ALREADY … I am blogging about my inertia in the hopes that it will a) get my fingers moving and b) share some of the best advice I find with others who might also be stuck in this frustrating state of “word log-jam”.

big-magicI immediately turn to my cosmic BFF and constant source of inspiration Elizabeth Gilbert and her wonderful latest publication Big Magic. If you haven’t read Big Magic, I highly recommend it.

Gilbert dedicates an entire section of the book to the role of persistence in creativity, and personally considers plain, old fashioned persistence to be an enormous part of her writing life. She writes:

“For my own part, I decided early on to focus on my devotion to the work above all. That would be how I measured my worth.  I knew that conventional success would depend upon three factors—talent, luck, and discipline—and I knew that two of those three things would never be under my control. Genetic randomness had already determined how much talent I’d been allotted, and destiny’s randomness would account for my share of luck. The only piece I had any control over was my discipline. Recognizing that, it seemed like the best plan would be to work my ass off. That was the only card I had to play, so I played it hard.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

However, this might be my favorite paragraph in the book: a good reminder to tune out the constant critics in our lives and just write:

“Recognizing that people’s reactions don’t belong to you is the only sane way to create. If people enjoy what you’ve created, terrific. If people ignore what you’ve created, too bad. If people misunderstand what you’ve created, don’t sweat it. And what if people absolutely hate what you’ve created? What if people attack you with savage vitriol, and insult your intelligence, and malign your motives, and drag your good name through the mud? Just smile sweetly and suggest – as politely as you possibly can – that they go make their own fucking art. Then stubbornly continue making yours.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear


Chuck Sambuchino (on WritersDigest.com) talks through his top ways to get through writer’s block. #1 being:

1.) Step away from whatever you’re writing and do anything that’s creative. Paint pictures, write poetry, design images in Photoshop, make a scrapbook or collage, or if you’re masculine, build something in the garage. Work on another creative project for a few hours or days and then go back to writing. When I’m stuck, I paint paintings or work on my website or blog. Jumping to other projects really activates my creativity. The key is to keep exercising the creative part of your brain and eventually you’ll tap back into the flow of writing.
See all 7 of Chuck’s ways to overcome writer’s block here.


This article by Maria Konnikova in The New Yorker covers the origin of the term “Writer’s Block” and suggests that blocked writers need creative and/or emotional therapy. (I challenge you to show how me a writer who doesn’t need creative and/or emotional therapy!)

“Writer’s block has probably existed since the invention of writing, but the term itself was first introduced into the academic literature in the nineteen-forties, by a psychiatrist named Edmund Bergler.”
Read the full article here.

Do you have any tips or tactics for pushing through writer’s block? Please share!

Now … back to the WIP.

To Write or to Edit … That is the Question

Forgive me for taking a break from my own blog. I’ve been away for awhile, now. Since Election Day, 2016, in fact. I wanted this blog to remain a politics-free zone … yet I found myself unable to write without commenting on the swirl of political controversy in which we are all unwillingly immersed. The controversy over Trump’s presidency remains (grows, in fact) … but as that is not the topic of this forum, I will not address it here. (See me on Twitter :-).)

So… . Today I talk about a common dilemma for writers: keep writing the new novel or go back and work on developmental edits on the last novel.


There are only so many hours in the day, after all. Like so many as-yet-to-be-published writers, I DO have a full time day job. So how does one make the call? Do I call it quits on my first manuscript and chalk it up to a good learning experience or do I keep plugging away? (The phrase “beat a dead horse” comes to mind.)

At the suggestion of my A-MAZ-ING critique partner Deborah Maroulis, I hired the hugely talented and fabulous Michelle Hazen to complete a developmental edit round on my  YA Paranormal MS Shift.


Michelle and I kicked off with a “pre-project” chat where we talked about the manuscript, and what I thought were its major issues. We decided I would pull out the troublesome “backstory dump” and send that to her separately, along with the full MS. She spent about seven weeks with the piece, during which I plugged away on my current WIP Behind Cellar Doors, which is well underway and picking up steam: 19 chapters/42,000+ words.

Michelle’s comments on Shift arrived in three pieces: a thorough edit letter talking about the project as a whole, the full MS with her comments in bubbles throughout, and a helpful sample of a first chapter as an example of how to launch the story more successfully.

But now I had TWO projects demanding my attention: a much-needed, time-consuming edit of Shift  and a WIP with great momentum.

So here’s what I decided to do: I set aside a few days to review the edit letter and complete a long, full (and at times cringe-y) read-through of Shift, carefully absorbing all of Michelle’s comments. She has a real gift for delivering big change suggestions with a light hand, and helped spot all of Shifts (many) first-time-author flaws. Her feedback is incredible and useful and eye-opening; it was like taking a personalized writing class dedicated to my particular strengths and weaknesses.

After I completed the read-through, I immediately tackled rewriting Chapter 1 of Shift, taking all Michelle’s comments under consideration. Backstory is my nemesis, but I’m learning and refining how to deal with it–parsing it out instead of dumping it. (Ah–those fledgling novelist mistakes we all must make before we improve! ☺). You can see the results of the Chapter 1 rewrite here.

And now that that’s done … Sam and Emily will be put on hiatus for awhile, while I continue to devote my complete attention to Taylor and Alec, the stars of Behind Cellar Doors. With Behind Cellar Doors I made the leap to adult contemporary romance–and it’s a relief to have a main character who is allowed to not only speak with a full vocabulary but also have a sex life. (Whoop whoop!).

Who knew writing YA was so darn difficult? Telling a complex story with a teenage vocabulary and perspective is not easy, my friends.

And the good news? Having gone through the developmental edits feedback process, I am already incorporating all of Michelle’s suggestions into my new story, helping to keep the pacing tighter and the writing leaner.

I highly recommend you take a gander over to Michelle’s blog, which is filled with great posts on writing and editing. (Is it bad I keep re-reading “How to Write Steamy Sexual Tension?”)

Sending a HUGE THANK YOU to Michelle for her great feedback. If you’re looking for an editor for your work, I highly recommend her.







Help! My Computer Crashed!

My computer crashed. Dead crashed. Blue screen crashed. AND MY MANUSCRIPT IS ON THERE.


I thought I would share this story with all you writers out there since some of my backup plan saved my ass, and I lost some things that are a total pain  to rebuild:

Last Thursday, I returned to my desk to find an alarming blue screen on my laptop, which no amount of re-booting would fix. My terror rising, I drove to my computer repair place and dropped it off, secure in the tech’s reassurance that MOST hard drives can be recovered.

13612144_10207862823863285_6003241830679013384_nI returned home, popped the cap on a cold Corona, and waited for them to call. Things took a sharp downhill turn an hour later when the tech called and said the hard drive was unrecoverable. WHAT THE F–K??


After hyperventilating, and switching from Corona to raw cookie dough (hey – we all have our coping mechanisms), I sat down to try to figure out just how bad this was going to be.


THANK GOD I invested awhile ago in an online backup program. I happen to use SOS Online Backup but there are lots of options out there, including Windows’ “OneDrive” or Apple’s iCloud. The important thing with your backup is that it regularly backs up your critical files without you having to do much about it. Then, when all hell breaks loose, you can restore your work from the online system. You can also use an external hard drive for this, but make sure it happens AUTOMATICALLY and REGULARLY.


  • My manuscript and client files were all able to be restored onto my new laptop (thank goodness, or I would still be sitting here drinking Corona and eating cookie dough.)
  • DO NOT LEAVE THIS TO CHANCE. Make sure your manuscript file is being backed up somewhere.


One thing NOT backed up on my system was my Outlook  files. So I could was able to access all my mail in my webmail access … but all those handy files (particularly of Usernames & Passwords) were gone. I had to rebuild my user/password list for myself and all my client systems one by one. Total pain in the ass.

  • Moving forward: All Usernames & Passwords will be tracked on a spreadsheet that is backed up regularly.


Another thing that does not restore automatically is your software – which is KINDA important! I was able to restore these one by one onto a new system, but it would have been a heck of a lot easier if I had logged this info somewhere along with the license numbers, username & passwords so I could re-download and install.

  • Moving forward: All computer program info will be logged into a spreadsheet that is backed up regularly.


In my day job, I have (or had) tons of specialty fonts for client email designs installed on my computer. All of this is gone. Sure which I’d saved the font files in one place (that was backed up) so I could re-install these fonts on my new laptop.

  • Moving forward: all font files will be copied into a master font folder, then backed up along with my documents.

Summer Reading 2016

I have to admit—I’ve been doing a LOT more reading than writing this summer. What is it about the warm weather? I’d love to see a statistic showing how many of humankind’s great books were written by authors tucked away in a cozy cabin in the cold winter snow vs. those who were trying to write with summer outside beckoning with all her charms. I’d put big money on the first group being a whole lot bigger than the second.

I’ve been reading the advice of a lot of my favorite writers, and they all say to read within your genre … and read outside of your genre. So basically, just READ.

It’s only June 30 … and here’s what I’ve read so far (in the order I read them, as far as I can remember), followed by a list of books I’m planning to read. (Disclaimer: It’s summer, people. I am a fan of easy, enjoyable reading in the summer, so don’t get all serious on me wondering why I’m not reading more weighty tomes. Blame the heat.)

Stephen King, On Writing – A Memoir of the Craft
This title had shown up on several “must read” lists for authors, so I opened it as our plane took off from Oakland, CA, heading to Maui. I’ll admit, I’d tried to read this book before. The first few chapters were fairly biographical—not what I expected. But with a five-hour flight in front of me, I gave it another whirl, and this time it totally sucked me in. Once the great Stephen King starts talking about his writing process, it’s fascinating. He is a terrific writer—there’s not an unnecessary word on the page (something I am working on!).

Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County
I downloaded this book to re-read the moment I finished King’s book. He had spent a fairly long page bashing “Bridges” and I was taken aback. I had loved this book when it was released back in 1992 (I was 21). With Stephen’s harsh comments echoing in my mind, I was convinced I would read the book and love it again. Unfortunately, not so much. I have to admit Stephen was correct in his criticism of stilted storytelling. Though it’s still a lovely story (and any story in which I can envision Meryl Streep is a WIN in my book), I did not enjoy the writing style this time around.

Cecelia Ahern, Flawed
I’m not sure where I saw Flawed listed, but I am glad I stumbled upon it. I hadn’t read Cecelia Ahern before, and further research shows she’s not really considered a YA author. But this dystopian novel about a society that “brands” its flawed people (literally) was quite gripping. It’s only flaw (sorry, I couldn’t resist!) is that it ended with a lot of the story left, and I hate waiting for the next book.

Cecelia Ahern, The Time of My Life
Since Ahern left me hanging with Flawed, I downloaded another of her titles. This was an odd read, about a young woman who had let herself go, and her family calls in “her life” to meet with her. I stumbled a bit when reading the premise. It was presented very matter of fact-ly. Almost too matter-of-fact. I didn’t have time to adjust to the magic/fantasy element being thrust into a thoroughly non-magic story. But once I adjusted and adequately suspended my disbelief, it was a pretty interesting read.

Paula Hawkins, The Girl on the Train
Maybe the only book on my list that came off the bestseller list, I found The Girl on the Train to be completely absorbing, and equally confusing. The back and forth chronology and constantly shifting POV was incredibly interesting, but I had to scan back to see what time period I was in more than once. It did not detract from my enjoyment, and I gobbled the book up (and am looking forward to seeing the movie.)

John Grisham, The Testament
I hadn’t read John Grisham in awhile. And this was a paperback. So although I like to convince myself that my 40+ year old eyes work just as well as they used to … this paperback proved me wrong and I had to squint at it with my cheaters. But it was worth it. I don’t know if this was one of Grisham’s highest rated novels, but he never fails to grip you at the beginning, and keep you hooked until the end. The master of legal drama. Very enjoyable.

Pintip Dunn, Forget Tomorrow
I can’t remember how I stumbled upon Forget Tomorrow, but I’m so glad I did! Pintip Dunn is a skilled YA writer. Her pacing is perfect and the characters draw you in immediately.  If you’re writing YA (or just like reading YA), pick up a Pintip Dunn title. My only regret is this is a book in a series, and I HATE waiting for the rest of the story.

Judith McNaught, Whitney My Love
Similar to my experiment with “Bridges,” this was a re-read of a book, and an author, that I had loved in my early 20s. And it was a bestseller. Read by millions. But I have to say, I’ve outgrown it. By a long shot. I love a good well-written, sexy romance (Outlander, comes to mind), but these descriptions were so overblown, and the characters so perfect (or way too imperfect). And let’s face it —the main male character basically rapes the lead female character. Maybe I’m not as romantic as I used to be, but this book—alas—is no longer for me.

Blake Snyder, Save the Cat
I took a screenwriting class a few months ago taught by Anne Jordan, a local screenwriter. The class was fantastic, and I’d remembered her mentioning this book. I dream of breaking into screenwriting, so figured I’d pick it up. (The funniest thing is I kept telling my husband I’d just downloaded this book called “Kill the Cat,” so now I laugh every time I see the title.) This book is a great resource for screenwriters, but also surprisingly useful for novelists as well. It’s all about the elements of a well-constructed story, and a very entertaining read.

John Grisham, The Confession
Without giving the story away, I loved this book but hated what happened to some of the characters. Centering on the death penalty, I have to say it might have changed my opinion somewhat on the issue. A very interesting read.

Pintip Dunn, The Darkest Lie
I started following Pintip Dunn on Twitter after I read Forget Tomorrow, so I actually got a tweet the moment her latest book was released. I’m about 3/4 of the way through, and this is a good read. Not my favorite of hers, but still keeping me turning the pages. The premise of the main character’s mother killing herself after being exposed for having an affair with a student seems a little harsh to me (maybe as the mother of teenagers … I’d prefer the mother character not be killed off?). Good writing, good pacing. I enjoy Dunn’s work immensely.

These are my “books on deck”.

  • Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall
  • Rainbow Rowen, Eleanor & Park
  • Andy Weir, The Martian
  • Stephen King, 11.22.63
  • Kiera Cass, The Selection
  • George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones
  • Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
  • Ernest Cline, Ready Player One

Happy Summer Reading! Send me your suggestions. I’d love to add to my list!

I Hate Social Media

There. I said it. The fact that I am not a huge fan (personally) of social media is really quite a bummer–since I happen to run a digital marketing business (www.vicecommunications.com) AND I have aspirations of creating a strong author platform using … social media. So shhhh! 

But just because I don’t personally LIKE it (pun intended) doesn’t mean I don’t understand it, and it certainly doesn’t mean I can’t use it as a method to establish and market myself as a writer.

Since SHIFT has not yet been published, I have decided to focus on four platforms now — Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram–and save some for the future: Goodreads, Google+ and SnapChat.

facebook-96 FACEBOOK (or, as my daughters call it, social media for old people)
As I started to establish my new social media channels as an “Author,” I realized immediately that I needed to make some decisions about my personal presence on various channels. On Facebook, for example, I have had an active personal page for several years. But I’ve been choosy about who I’ve accepted friend requests from–I tend to take the term “friend” literally. If we weren’t friends in High School, or you are “friending” me because you are one of the zillion people who was friends with my husband (who maintains a staunch anti-social-media position) … well, then, why would I want to show you photos of my kids now?

To help separate my personal Facebook presence from my professional goals, I have established several “Pages” specific to my writing projects. You can find me as an author here, and I have unpublished pages established specifically for SHIFT as a standalone title, and THE SHIFT TRILOGY if all the stars align.

If SHIFT is taken on by an agent & publishing team, I will utilize my personal contacts to promote my Author Page. In the meantime, I simply “soft launched” the page and asked my core crew of supporters to LIKE it. This gives me somewhere to flow new blog posts, etc. so I have something underway if and when SHIFT is taken on.

I also have to make the decision about opening up my personal Facebook page a little more so I have more people to “market to” if and when SHIFT is published. This feels VERY strange to me, but makes sense. For now, I am not doing this by actively friending more people myself,  but I am trying to have a more open mind in accepting FRIENDS requests. Use your connections, use your connections, use your connections. (NOTE: Opening this up has already changed the tone of my personal Facebook page, and I have to think carefully about what I post–especially in this debacle of an election year).

twitter-96 TWITTER (or the bane of my existence)
Twitter was a bit of a different animal. I was never a fan of Twitter, so I decided to dedicate my existing account @kelivice to my author platform. (Man–I need a better picture!! One step at a time.) For now, I am following as many writing-related people as I can find, and participating in Twitter pitches just to get the feel of the platform. Though I find the snarkiness of Twitter to be of epic proportions, I believe the platform is a necessary evil, so I will continue to quietly grow my presence and learn from other successful authors who use the platform.

instagram-96 INSTAGRAM (or where the teenagers hang out)
I’m still figuring out Instagram on a professional level. For now, I have an account. I have linked it to my website, and I’m watching and learning from other authors and brands. Honestly, the only reason I’m paying attention to it is I have seen my 14- and 17-year-old daughters devote INSANE amounts of time to scrolling through Instagram. I don’t get it yet–but I will, because I’m writing YA and this is my target audience!

pinterest-96 PINTEREST (easy to participate in)
Pinterest is just one huge world of repinning, so it doesn’t take a huge amount of time to keep things populated here. The jury is still out as to what it will eventually bring to an author platform, but I’m willing to give it a go. For now I have just linked my personal Pinterest presence to my website, but I plan to establish and author presence specifically around writing and creativity. Hopefully I can keep my personal presence a little separate, but only time will tell.

A WORD ON SNAPCHAT (per Gary Vaynerchuck)

For YA authors, Snapchat cannot be ignored. I have an account–guess I will be figuring out how to use it to my advantage.

RESOURCES (learn, learn and learn some more)
Even though I run a digital marketing company, social media has not been my primary focus, so I am constantly reading and listening to make sure I keep up. Most recently, I read CREATE YOUR WRITER PLATFORM by Chuck Sambuchino–a good read no matter what your current social media knowledge is. You can find the book HERE.

I’m also following the fabulous Gary Vaynerchuck on every social media channel I can find, and just signed up for his “building a personal brand” webinar series on Udemy. (Gary also has TONS of video material available on YouTube and on his Facebook page. ) His Facebook URL is https://www.facebook.com/gary – which means the dude got in ON THE GROUND FLOOR.

Any recommendations out there? I’m in learning mode so your experience is welcome!